Tag: AFM
Android’s Software For Their File Manager
The fact that Android allows file managers to be used in perfect harmony with the Operating System is a big bonus and one of the major advantages that Android has over iOS. Typically, the software behind an Android file manager is designed in a way so as to allow the end user access to a device’s entire file directory via an user interface. In order to make it more clear, consider these file managers to be the Android equivalents of Windows Explorer in Microsoft Windows. The best part is that even if a device is not pre-loaded with this software right out of the box, one can be downloaded for free from the Google Play market which hosts a number of free and premium file managers.
The software behind an Android File Manager
While there are different types of file managers in use today for different systems and purposes, the Navigational File Manager is the most popular type now, mainly due to its ease of use and advanced time-saving features. The software behind these file managers is also modeled after navigational file managing systems similar to the one used in Windows Explorer. One will find that most Android filing systems have dual pane systems with the parent file tree on the left and the directory the user is in at that moment, on the right.
The functions and capabilities of the software may vary slightly with the particular Android file manager that you are using, but the basic functions are almost always the same. The software behind it should be designed to allow for opening, creating, naming/renaming, searching, moving, copying and deleting of files and folders on the device. It may also allow you to view, play and edit certain supported file formats. Modern applications include back and forward buttons for more fluid exploration of the hierarchical file system.
Extra features and some popular Android File Managers
The extra features included depends largely on the manager you are using; for example, ES File Manager allows Application management, as well as network connectivity via FTP protocol. The ASTRO Cloud & File manager comes with an application manager and also provides the user with the facility of a SD card analyzer. Root Explorer on the other hand allows access to app data folders and other inaccessible Android system files that benefit root users. Even if you are confused, there is no harm in trying out a few of them until you find the file manager that works for you.